Are you a follower?


When you make the decision to follow Jesus Christ and become his disciple you enter into a new way of life – not only for time but for all of eternity. Your decision to walk with Jesus Christ will change the way you think, act and live.


No change – No Jesus!


CS Lewis wrote ‘if I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.’ How true is this statement – we were made for another world and that world is Heaven. You were not made to exist without the living God – if you are without God you are without hope and as the Bible says ‘of men most miserable’. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour you need forgiveness for your past, present and future and that is only found in Jesus Christ. The bible shows us simply that if we repent of our sin (AND turn from) He is ‘willing and able to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’


The following is a prayer you can personally pray – asking Jesus Christ to forgive you:-


Dear Father,


I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ and ask you to forgive me of all my sin – all the wrong things I have done. Please wash me in your precious blood and make me clean – I acknowledge I am a sinner and need your forgiveness.


Thank you for dying for me on the cross at Calvary and I ask you to write my name in the Lambs book of Life. I accept you as my Saviour and my Lord and I ask you to help me live the rest of my life in honour to you.


Thank you for your salvation – please come into my heart and I thank you for cleansing my heart from sin and accepting me – in Jesus name. Amen


No-one can enter into Heaven unless they have repented of their sin and continues to walk in the ‘paths of righteousness.’


Continue to follow


It is of the utmost importance that you continue to follow Jesus Christ every day of your life. Find or purchase a Bible and read this regularly, praying and asking God to help you understand the wonderful and exciting truths that now belong to you. Tell someone that you have made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and find a vibrant, Bible believing church that will help you understand and grow in God’s ways.


Our prayer at Emmanuel Full Gospel International is that now you have found Jesus Christ as your Saviour you continue to walk in the paths of righteousness.


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